OpenBSD admin and ports maintainer

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2024


  • I was making a general statement about when anime has a political theme, not on that particular anime.

    Only anime I know of where this is actually a thing is Attack on Titan, but I haven’t watched the last season (apparently it deviates from the source material, maybe for this reason, which is why I haven’t).

    Though I guess you could find a utopian vision in a nation that views all to be equally worthless and champions genocide and calling the dark young of shub niggurath to stomp on people.

    Yeah, I do like multifaceted morally grey and villainous characters with interesting or even aspiring motives. I highly recommend Hunter X Hunter, The number of characters in that anime that aren’t majorly flawed in one way or another you can count on your fingers. One of the communities favorite characters is a murderous pedo clown that serves as the main characters mentor and drop-in father-figure for a large part of the story. If you watch any single anime and never watch anime again, let it be HxH.

  • EVE Online AKA Spreadsheets Online, back when I played it in 2009. No idea if it’s the same now. Almost entirely player driven economy and factions (outside of hi-sec).

    Elite Dangerous, sort of. No other Space Sim is on its scale (I wouldn’t really call something like Space Engine a space sim). Unique, but mixed recommendations because it’s a very shallow game in a lot of ways, but it’s got a cool vibe. Speaking of which…

    Space Engine. Not really a game, so much as a universe-simulator. It is unknown to this day how a mortal could create something of this grandeur. Maybe the source code will be released eventually.

    Someone else already mentioned Noita :(

    Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is the most realistic game ever made. No other game had made me ask “what would I do in real life?” before. Of course, this dies out the more you learn the meta, but your first dozen or so runs are special.

    Minecraft is hardly unique now, but when it came out it was one-of-a-kind.

  • I’ve only finished the anime up to season 4, but I don’t think the theme is that “Nazarick is evil and evil skeleton overlord is fun”, but rather “do the ends justify the means Nazarick takes”, given that Ainz wants to create a utopia where all races live in harmony. It’s very interesting writing given how much time and humanity is given to side characters that are eventually destroyed or imperialized by Nazarick.

  • It’s as easy as following any set of instructions. Whether or not you actually understand what the instructions are doing is an entirely different story. If you actually want to learn how to operate a posix system, doing a bunch of command line installs of Linux isn’t going to help you with that. What will help is living in something with excellent documentation like OpenBSD, with minimal reliance on external tooling. Once you have the skills, they’ll transfer anywhere.