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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I never heard of Gene Tierney, I’ll look at your links. I can’t imagine what it was like for them to know that an ignorant fan caused their child to have such difficulties for the rest of their life. I got MMR booster a couple months ago and my husband is currently getting bloodwork done to see what his titre levels are too. There’s been a concerning uptick of cases where we live and the MMR booster is in shorter supply now so our doctor doesn’t want to give them out unnecessarily if he doesn’t need them.

    Thank you very much for your well wishes, it was nice reading a kind comment (even if I am 2 months late).

  • Yeah I was also really surprised by the contagiousness of suicide. When I first saw the article I linked I thought “how cruel they won’t give a student a space in the yearbook, it would help the grieving family so much”. Then I read it all and it made sense. I feel horrible for those families but at the same time they likely don’t want to be responsible for other families suffering what they have gone through just to have a photo of their child in the yearbook.

  • They’re still suffering? Why does it matter about USA funding the military in regards to what I am saying.

    At least 16000 dead this last year in Sudan… look it up, educate yourself. It’s really horrific what those human beings are enduring. I’m also not American yet there’s big protests disrupting our cities, so your country providing money to whoever doesn’t mean anything to me.

    Why do you care about the Palestinians or Israelis or whatever but you aren’t putting the same effort into caring about the Sudanese suffering? It seems extremely hypocritical.

    I guess my point is more that it’s hypocritical for all these big protests over this one war but they aren’t caring about this other war.

    I want you to stop and think about something. The same indifference you are showing towards the Sudanese is the same indifference that a lot of us North Americans trying to live our life feel towards this stuff happening in Gaza.

    You don’t “care” about them (unsure of wording, maybe “don’t think about them” is better?) the same way we don’t care (or can’t gather the mental energy to worry about what is happening across the ocean when we are struggling to take care of our families with high rent and high food prices and our own problems). We have our own life issues and while it’s no where near as awful as what’s happening to the people in either of those regions, it’s hard to gather energy to care beyond “oh that’s terrible” when you are struggling in your day to day life.

    Stopping up a major bridge isn’t going to help anyone. If they want to make a difference perhaps going to the place the politicians are would work better. Screwing over normal citizens trying to live their life isn’t going to make any of them care more, it will have the opposite effect, people who are tired or don’t care won’t suddenly be sympathetic. They’ll get angry at the protestors for making their day even harder. Disrupt the politicians lives, they’re the ones who actually control this stuff.