Beat me to it
As someone who is married to a person that was homeschooled in the middle of nowhere, yes. Isolation will absolutely stunt your emotional and interpersonal growth.
We are the “creators” of AI, so if it wipes us out, that would be us wiping ourselves out.
In the end, short of a natural disaster (not climate change), we will be our own doom.
That’s still relative. A $1,000 monthly paycheck in the US isn’t a lot of money for example. It’s all relative.
That’s a little more than 27 people every single day. More than one, every hour, of every day of the year.
My cat has a fungal infection in his brain and requires one pill twice a day. Been doing this for sevenish years. He’s the only cat I’ve ever had, so take this with a grain of salt, but I just get him on my chest and pet him until he starts purring. Then I use a finger to open his mouth and push the pill to the back of his throat, and immediately go back to petting him. He swallows it, and sometimes gags for a second. But, I do it really quickly, and usually it’s over quick enough that he doesn’t even stop purring. YMMV
What are you talking about? You can absolutely be bankrupted by medical bills, even with insurance
And usually way cheaper too
If you have a pet, you may be able to convince the vet to prescribe them Prednisone
Been having pretty bad chest pain on and off all week. If I go to the hospital and it’s something serious it could bankrupt me. However, if I don’t go, and I expire, at least my life insurance will cover the house so my family will have somewhere to live.
Potato, potato
This is the same reason the Black Panthers messages have faded into obscurity.
In the late nineties I saw what I thought was a shooting star, until it stopped mid fall, hovered in place for a few seconds, then suddenly accelerated (extremely quickly) to the right, before stopping again and immediately heading back in the direction it was originally headed. The direction changes were instantaneous, unlike anything I had seen before or since. I did live on the outskirts of a military base known for advanced weapons research though, so who knows what I saw.
I’ll do it with a lance!
Hates things from Google. Uses Android. 🤡
Just turn your head sideways. Nobody will question you
I use Black Opıum from Yves Saint Laurent. Women’s fragrances smell better, and aren’t as overpowering
Just saying, this was made with premade dough in a residential oven. It was fantastic and cost about $7 total.