For me, it may be that the toilet paper roll needs to have the open end away from the wall. I don’t want to reach under the roll to take a piece! That’s ludicrous!
That or my recent addiction to correcting people when they use “less” when they should use “fewer”
its “I could not care less” and not “I could care less”. This one drives me nuts
I could care less, but I don’t. I care a smidgen.
I should care less.
Thank you for fighting the good fight.
The manditory David Mitchell post
I adore David Mitchell and his rants. I really liked the one about how “rape” should not become socially acceptable and silly when followed by “pillage” just because the Vikings are depicted as having worn silly hats.
Ever since I saw that video 14 years ago, I always pause for a moment to make sure I actually say it properly
It’s it’s, not its.
But what if I do care?
“I could care less” is almost always said sarcastically. A hallmark of sarcasm is saying the opposite of what you mean. So, a sarcastic “I could care less” implies they could not care less.
I agree with this statement, but I never notice its wrong until someone points it out. Then my inner grammar teacher has an aneurysm and I go off on a tangent.
It’s so close to being right that you don’t think about it, until you do. Then OCD sets in.