• jet@hackertalks.com
    1 month ago

    Think of playing a 4x video game, focus every day on building your economic engine. Everything you spend should have some economic engine return (school, books, computer, etc)

    Play this like 50 times https://buildyourstax.com/

    Avoid debt.

    Use the FASFA (in the us), if your under 25 marry another student (then your EFC is 0). Don’t pay for grad-school, only join programs that pay you.

    Networking, and Experiences are more important then over-time alone. Building your network is part of building your engine. Join the club, go to the networking parties, improv group, show up sometimes to the toastmasters, NETWORKING IS WORTH THE TIME AND MONEY. But, always make sure your networking with people who inspire you, and don’t drag you down. It’s ok to hangout with the down group, just not habitually.

    It’s ok to say no! No, really - you can say no to things. Nobody gives a shit about your phone, or car.

    Learn how to use a spreadsheet (or just do the math by hand), get the TOTAL cost of all commitments over the life of the commitment (total cost of car, or house, etc), including all the one time origination fees. The only number that matters is the total cost, all the other numbers move around, but the total cost should drive your decisions.

    Learn about your credit, and keep it clean (credit wise is good enough here)

    Read Debt: The first 5000 years, appreciate the power of liquidity and opportunity costs.

    Subscriptions are traps, avoid them as much as possible.