I see a lot of people blaming tiktok and “brain rot” content for the increasing ADHD diagnoses, but I think its a matter of better detection, similar to how OCD and autism diagnosis have increased too.

Also as someone with ADHD, it feels like shit that it could be “my fault” or that I have brainrot.

  • shalafi@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Easy diagnosis. Take speed. Calms you down? ADHD. Speeds you up? No ADHD.

    My best friend is ADHD. Dated a long-time friend that was ADHD. My daughter is ADHD.

    Give 'em speed, they chill. Give me speed, I bounce off the walls. Many of the same symptoms.

    I see tons of young people online, “I want to be special. I have ADHD! Also, I’m trans and gay!”

    STFU. You’re young, wildly horny and figuring life out. We all went through that.

    “But I’m SPECIAL!!!

    No, odds are you aren’t. Stop taking away from people who actually have these conditions/problems/lives.

    “OK. But I’m OCD!”

    Jesus. STFU.

    • ABCDE@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Jesus. STFU.

      Do us all a favour and take your own advice instead of picking on people.

    • Dasus@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Easy diagnosis. Take speed. Calms you down? ADHD. Speeds you up? No ADHD.

      Sorry but it is not that simple, lol. It does give a hint to things, but it isn’t the end-all be-all.

      There add widely varying reasons that people have different [dose-response relationships.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dose–response_relationship


      If your methodology worked, you’d have diagnosed me to have ADHD with 100% certainty. I always maintained I don’t. Got tested by clinical psychologist and psychiatrist. No ADHD ADD or any other attention disorder.

      The dose-response relationship, hermesis in action, is easiest to see with weed, probably. When you go to have a smoke at friend’s house, you don’t smoke often, they do. You smoke a little, you get tired, they start perking up. However if they also smoked a fuckton more, they’d also get tired. Low doses of THC stimulate high ones sedate. Similar with alcohol, which is why youre energetic early and then suddenly pass out. So because you’ve no tolerances like the weeder, the same amount smoked is a light dose for them and heavy for you, you get sedation, they stimulation.

      This is essentially what is happening with you and your friends. You’re taking same size lines and due to your personal differences, have different responses to the same dose.

      It MAY be a sign yes, but not “easy diagnosis, ADHD 100%”