I had a female bun make a burrow in my backyard underneath a brush pile i had going. She gave birth to about 4 to 6 baby buns. I had no idea they were there, as I’ve never seen a bunny in my yard, not even once in the 12 years I’ve lived here.
Well spring came and needed to to start cleaning up the yard so I start weed eating around said brush pile.
The noise i was making scared alll the baby buns and they came running out of their home. I hit one with weed eater by accident. It laid there breathing heavily bleeding and unable to run. I gave it 30 minutes to see if it would get up and run away. It never got up.
So I did what needed to be done and put the little baby out of its misery. I smashed it with a very large rock, very swift and quickly. That was hard to do.
I held a funeral for it and buried it in my yard. Rest in peace little bun, im so sorry 😞
I had a female bun make a burrow in my backyard underneath a brush pile i had going. She gave birth to about 4 to 6 baby buns. I had no idea they were there, as I’ve never seen a bunny in my yard, not even once in the 12 years I’ve lived here.
Well spring came and needed to to start cleaning up the yard so I start weed eating around said brush pile.
The noise i was making scared alll the baby buns and they came running out of their home. I hit one with weed eater by accident. It laid there breathing heavily bleeding and unable to run. I gave it 30 minutes to see if it would get up and run away. It never got up.
So I did what needed to be done and put the little baby out of its misery. I smashed it with a very large rock, very swift and quickly. That was hard to do.
I held a funeral for it and buried it in my yard. Rest in peace little bun, im so sorry 😞