The monotheistic all powerful one.

    6 months ago

    If the answer is yes, then it negates “all-powerful” because it cannot withstand it’s own power.

    I disagree. If a god dies when it willingly chooses to die, that’s not negating all-powerful. It has the ability to live and the ability to die; choosing one option or the other doesn’t mean it never had the ability to do the option it didn’t pick. Similarly, if a god chooses to never kill itself, that doesn’t negate it being all-powerful, because it may have had the option to kill itself and just not done it.

    A similar question on this line is can an all-powerful god make a rock too big for even said god to lift?

    That’s a much better paradox because that actually brings ability into it. Killing yourself only indicates the ability to kill yourself, not any lack of ability to do not-killing-yourself.

      6 months ago

      I appreciate your response.

      But, the question is if they could or not.

      Of course, free will is an interesting factor to introduce. But I do not know if it applies to the hypothetical…

      Thank you for adding (and making me think more).