Right now it seems like its “A.I.”. Still big now are the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine. Recently we had COVID 19.

What’s next?

  • CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org
    3 months ago

    I’ll keep adding to this if I think of more.

    Lemmy itself, hopefully. The Fediverse has the potential to take off because it’s here and it can’t really die.

    3D printed construction could be huge if they can get it to actually work well. That’s a big if, though.

    Perovskite solar cells look like they’re almost ready to commercialise.

    Hydrogen-grown biomass is really interesting, and could take humanity another trophic level down. That’s probably too far off to count as “next”, though.

    Grid storage batteries, if a good chemistry is found, could be a trillion-dollar question.

    Whenever Apple gets the battery life on Vision Pros to a reasonable length, they’ll probably take off.

    Ocean mining looks set to be valuable, and is pretty much impossible to stop every country from doing.

    LLMs taking your fast-food order, and similar.

    On that note, support services to remotely unfuck LLM mistakes that 0.2% of the time they biff it.

      • CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org
        3 months ago

        The precise context I’ve heard about that in is drive-throughs.

        It could be other things, like answering phones in a more comprehensive way than existing automatic systems. Even book keeping. Really just anything simple or repetitive that’s conducted by natural language, and isn’t life-or-death (so probably no ER triage).