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A joint statement calls on “all States to ensure full co-operation with the Court for it to carry out its important mandate of ensuring equal justice for all victims of genocide, war crimes, [and] crimes against humanity.”

    4 months ago

    Having lived in the UK and having been a victim of racism myself for being from continental Europe and having heard the stories of friends and acquaintances who were much more victimized by racism in Britain than I ever was due to the color of their skin or coming from a Muslim country, I always found it hilarious when both the rightwing and liberal Press kept harping on an on about Britain not being racist.

    Anti-semitism was next to nothing in Britain compared to what people of color, Muslims and at some point even Poles suffered even in the more open minded cities such as London.

    The obcession with anti-semitism was all about politics (as I pointed above, such accusations were so twisted and abused when trying to bring a Leftie, Corby, down as head of the Labour party that at one point policians, the rightwing Press and the liberal Press were implying that a Jewish Holocaust Survivor was an anti-semite to taint Corby by association) and not at all about fairness of treatment or reducing the victimization of people because of their ethnicity.

      4 months ago

      The weaponisation of racism in British politics this century is one of the most cold blooded, cynical processes I have ever witnessed. I try really hard to have faith in my fellow man. Then this happens, and the trans panic. They use vulnerable minorities as political footballs, all whilst pretending to be protecting them. Fuck those moral vacuums.