Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from @ArcaneSlime@lemmy.ml

Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Well it’s usually done to teen children’s teen partners ime, but ok fine I hope your adult childs adult partner asks for copies for later, the age of the person making the creepy comment is really not important but I think it’s worse if they’re adults so I’ll roll with it lol. Maybe she doesn’t know her husband’s proclivities, I’m not sure most pedos advertise it willingly, but he’s “tooootally not gonna spank it he just wants it for archival purposes” lol.

    If your wife says “not tonight I have a headache” do you ask for evidence of hypertension? If she says something you did made her upset do you ask for evidence in a peer reviewed paper on why X could possibly be psychologically damaging? I’d bet the answer is “no I take her word at face value because it is her feelings after all.” But fuck the feelings of others? Would I have to begrudgingly have sex with you for you to take my word about my feelings?

  • Brother laser printers, higher upfront cost but I don’t think I’ll ever need another. I don’t print frequently so inkjet carts dry up, toner doesn’t have that issue, toner also lasts longer, whenever I have to replace it I’m pretty sure they have 3rd party carts, and they don’t do any subscription bullshit or planned obsolescence so far that I’ve seen. Easy to set up on linux through CUPS and the official brother .rpm or .deb drivers. Cannot recommend them enough as someone who also hates all other printers.

  • My case isn’t an exception, it happens more frequently then you’d like to believe and is seldom reported to another human much less law enforcement because men get laughed out of police stations and made fun of by friends. All the worse if the woman is conventionally attractive. In many localities the legal definition of rape is even phrased as “requiring penetration,” meaning in many areas (most of the US and iirc all of the UK included, plus more) women can’t get charged with rape they can only get charged with “sexual assault” at worst. There are many resources for woman victims but not one for male victims, males are not welcome in the women’s groups. Most people you talk to about it just want to tell you some variation of “I pretend I care about male victims but here’s why women are more important than you.”

    It happened years ago and I’ve learned to live with it now, I don’t need pity. I need people to stop invalidating male victims, pretending they don’t exist, pretending we don’t matter due to volume, etc, to help the ones it happens to now. Fuck me I’m fine now, but whatever dude it happens to today somewhere out there in the world could use some help.

  • Also traditions that, despite someone else’s claim, probably don’t cause any psychological harm, at least most of the time.

    Actually you asked for nothing, you made a whole lot of assumptions instead. And

    evidence that it hurts anyone

    Here again you invalidate the feelings of those telling you with their own words that they don’t like it. The evidence they don’t like it is them telling you they don’t like it, you don’t need a scientific paper to corroborate that some people find it objectionable, you just dismiss them because you want to partake in the behavior they find objectionable.

  • I think you may be surprised and hopefully disturbed by this UNICEF article.

    Despite a steady decline in this harmful practice over the past decade, child marriage remains widespread, with approximately one in five girls married in childhood across the globe. Today, multiple crises – including conflict, climate shocks and the ongoing fallout from COVID-19 – are threatening to reverse progress towards eliminating this human rights violation. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals call for global action to end child marriage by 2030.

    So no, it was not “a long time ago.” It’s “hopefully by 2030.”

    Also traditions that, despite someone else’s claim, probably don’t cause any psychological harm, at least most of the time.

    Oh, so as long as you don’t believe the person and can therefore invalidate their feelings without guilt, and it only psychologically hurts “some” people who you I suppose arbitrarily believe over the ones you don’t, it’s fine?

    Not sure I can agree with you on this one.