Or what has been your go to lately? I’m usually a whiskey and ginger kinda guy but I’m trying to branch out a little these days. What’re you drinking?
Currently sipping on a Paloma:
- 1.5 oz Tequila (blanco)
- .5oz lime juice
- 4 oz Grapefruit soda (Jarritos today)
- Pinch of salt
Caipiroska, a Caipirinha variant with Vodka instead of cachaça
Tie between Pisco Sour and Bloody Mary. Usually a night drinking the former will lead to the latter the next day.
Good whisky, neat
Decent whisky, bitters, club soda, ice in a short glass.
Gin, flavored fizzy (LaCroix etc), splash of lime juice, ice
Gin shaken with ice, small rinse of dry vermouth in glass, 3-4 blue cheese olives
4:3:3:4 añejo tequila, grand Marnier, key west lime juice, honey simple (50/50 honey and water) shaken or blended with ice. (Could sub honey for sugar free sweetener to be “healthy”)
i love fruity drinks, pina colada is my favorite but bartenders hate making it so i just go for whatever cocktail has coconut or pineapple flavor
Why do bartenders hate making piña colada? (I feel guilty now)
All time favorite: Jungle Bird. The perfect mix of tiki drink in spirit but with a punch and grown up flavors!
Also love me a Bee’s Knees with some high quality gin and honey. There’s a fantastic New England distillery called Barr Hill that makes gin from honey, which makes for an extra amazing one.
I’ve really been enjoying the “Sour” format lately, too. Very versatile with all the random liquors or lower-proof alcohols I’ve collected over the past few years making random drinks.
Penicillin. Honey, bourbon, scotch, lemon, all in one.
This is my go to during cold months, though I usually see it made with scotch instead of bourbon.
I prefer bourbon, haha. Not super traditional, but I tend to prefer bourbon over scotch, so other than the smokey top I like bourbon in mine. Doesn’t make a huge difference overall!
I dunno about favorite, but my go-tos are an Old Fashioned in the fall and winter, and a Tom Collins in spring and summer.
Those become a Manhattan or an Aviation if I’m feeling fancy or just want to mix it up.
Caipirinha. Made with cachaça, sugar, and lime. The drink is prepared by pounding the fruit and the sugar together, then adding the liquor.
I’m a big fan of a Malt Neat.
The ingredients are:
-3oz Islay malt
That’s it! It’s so easy and simple, and it’s impossible to mess up!
Other than cheap domestic beer when im trying to get drunk, I stick to Old-fashions. Great drink to sip as the liquor slowly mixes with the water from the melting ice, smoothing out the flavors.
1.5 ounce whisky
.5 ounce of simple syrup (I like mine extra sweet)
A couple dashes of Angostura bitters
1 fat chunk of ice
(Basil Hayden is my bourbon of choice)
Agreed on Old Fashioneds. We make them with bourbon, sometimes rye to change it up, and throw in some orange bitters
My favourite drink is 0.000% alcohol water.
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It always changes on the day but couple of my favourites are
-corpse reviver No. 2 -absinthe sour -pina colada -bloody mary( with gin instead of vodka and homemade chili sauce instead of tabasco)
I am also here to rep Corpse Recover No. 2.
It’s very refreshing. Gin, lemon juice, lillet, cointreaux, and a touch of absinthe.
99,9% Ethanol, for cleaning and extracting shit.
I dont drink poison lol
I’m a big IPA guy. Especially at 99% great to clean 3D printer bed and flux from PCBs.
And for extracting Terpenes and Cannabinoids ;D
I’ve invited one based on my taste for palomas and pisco sour. El Condor:
- 1oz of Tequila or Mezcal
- 1oz of Pisco (Peruvian)
- 0.5oz Syrup Agave (you can find it in the muesli section) or simple syrup
- 2oz Lime juice
- 2oz grapefruit juice
- 1 Eggwhite to shake if you like it more smooth
- chili salt rim or chilistring garnish
Probably the best cocktail I did so far.