This is a wonder prompt OP.
This is a wonder prompt OP.
I don’t have a need beyond .flac and storage costs will become a concern at some point.
It’s not that complicated. You’re taxed on income and some things you can deduct to reduce your taxable income amount.
The irs provides worksheets to help with the math.
The irs will audit people at random to make sure it’s accurate.
A scummy third party intentionally keeps things confusing to help convince people to use their services to do the math for them.
Maybe Egypt or Jordan will take them in?
Yeah because it’s a day for beer, cooking, and entertainment. I don’t care much for the teams playing though.
It’s not a stunt if it’s signed into law.
It could give you bad information on making DIY cleaning chemicals.
The old guard has to die off or step aside first. Younger progressives are the only way forward. The platform has to be change and improvement. Whatever they’ve been doing the last decade hasn’t been right.
Calendar them.
Technics sl1200 turntables with Shure white label carts which I think are discontinued.
Seems sad to not use them.
No. If it’s interesting, a person will post it.
Lots of microblogging is garbage. Automating it into Lemmy would not be helpful.
This isn’t the story. All that’s changed is that a 3rd party script is being flagged my Defender as malicious. You can still update unsupported machines like always.
This should surprise no one. The reception was poor, delivery was poor. It’s a niche market item in an existing niche market. On top of that, the de facto spokesperson of Tesla isn’t well liked by a lot of potential buyers.
Jd will need to be in the spotlight a lot more if he wants to be a populist president.
I just buy in bulk.
What services specifically
we both know i wouldn’t be in charge of correcting typos.
how long are we talking about here. 100 years is easy. 1000 years is difficult. 10,000 years is probably impossible. even giant stones like stonehenge or easter island will see erosion or that length of time.