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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Yeah there’s a couple of Meijer’s with huge Tesla superchargers lots, which will be nice if my id.4 gets access this or next year, but with Musk killing off that team, will it happen?

    Right now I have 1 L3 (blink) charging area within 5 miles of me, another (evgo) about 10-15 miles away, and then one more EvGo about 20 miles away. Apparently there are two under construction closer to me but they’re been that way for months on plugshare. There is an EA station if I go further and get on the turnpike.

    Thankfully I can L1 charging can take of most of my needs until I can afford to install a L2 EVSE probably with next year’s tax refund.

  • He is, just stalling out the bloody car as its only pressed halfway in, rendering it effectively like a brake pedal but there might be some coasting. Maybe. If we’re on an incline.


    Edit: nvm, paywall. Got 2 sentences in so I’m going with yes, my comment is valid lol

    Edit, edit: I’m thinking centrists are the clutch, not necessarily him, unless he’s a centrist. Then also yes. Again. I think. I just woke up from a nap. Might be confused.

  • And at the opposite side of the spectrum we haaave……ah yes, arresting women for miscarrying [Oklahoma], enacting laws to force women [and children] to flee their home states [e.g. Ohio and Texas] to get medical care they need, while also attempting to criminalize them for crossing state lines to get said medical care [Texas, Idaho, Missouri IIRC], which would be unconstitutional, but would likely take time to fight in the courts.

    If he had the Senate AND House on his side and wasn’t able to get it done, I can see the criticism, but you know right now if it passed the Senate its going no where with MJ as House leader at the very least. Unless there is some magical executive power that the Supreme Court won’t shut down a la Roe vs Wade.

  • Yeah my employer luckily pays most of the premiums. If I lost my job and “had” to get COBRA, then what I’d have to pay would jump drastically to keep my employer based coverage or I could look at whats on the marketplace/exchange which would likely cover bare minimums, if it was even worth it at all.

    It’d be worth considering dropping insurance altogether at that point as I would not have that kind of cash to continue insurance plan I’ve had.

    I would rather pay higher taxes out of my paycheck if it meant EVERYONE could get healthcare, regardless if they had a job or were “legal”. Everyone’s gonna need it someday, no exceptions.

    I try to vote for the candidates that have as close of values as I do, but realize not everyone running will be a 100% match.