I’ve got a pretty nice system.
B- Go
You may notice there’s no conversation before the final step. This is because my anxiety doesn’t allow me much talking until I can decompress.
It’s worked so far.
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
I’ve got a pretty nice system.
B- Go
You may notice there’s no conversation before the final step. This is because my anxiety doesn’t allow me much talking until I can decompress.
It’s worked so far.
“It was great seeing you again”
“but… You just got here five minutes ago”
“SO great…”
The only celebrating I do is eating slightly more unhealthy, take the day off work unless it’s going to be a short day, and maybe look to see if any games in my “maybe if it’s on steep sale” list are on sale.
That’s it.
I don’t remind people, I dont expect anyone to remember, but it’s nice when they do.
My excuse for missing people’s birthdays is I DO know the date… I just don’t know what the date today is. Sure I know my sister was born on the 12th, but that doesn’t matter if I think today is the 10th and it’s actually the 15th…
So if I have that much problem, it wouldn’t be very chill to be upset with others for missing mine.
Which is insane, how do you pillage most of the planet looking for spices to sell people and then have the blandest food in the world…
I see no reason to “cut myself off” at any point, I still find games released in the last few years that look interesting, and some with release dates TBD that look neat.
I haven’t bought a new console since July 2015 and have no plans to buy a new generation any time soon.
When my current console dies, I might upgrade, but likely I will find a cheap used replacement and keep playing what I already have.
Someday I will update all my stuff, just not today.
News flash!
This, just in: “Leaders of capitalist meat grinders prepared to lie to keep money flowing and try to pull in more”
I’m shocked.
Hey, I’ve seen this one.
A prehistoric virus is gonna infect someone with coldness until a plucky US-Marshall-turned-sherrif saves the day with his science-mined friends and colleagues.
But stabbing your neighbor isn’t exactly something most people are willing to do.
And any sort of attempt at organization leads to Alphabet Squad raids and whatever bullshit charges they feel like throwing at you after deciding you’re guilty of being a dirty commie/socialist/librul/not them.
Having just finished all 3 on my pc…
Dafuq you smokin, Bruh…
I will say though, 1 is the cluniest of them, for sure.
Any time my father brings up stuff like this, I remind him that he and his brothers drove their car onto a frozen lake and almost broke through the ice, and more than once they bought tennis balls, soaked them in gasoline, and threw them at each other with welding gloves.
I know for a fact that he and his brothers did tons of dumb shit, and I won’t let him forget it even if he finds it convenient when comparing generations.
My 30 year old grandma car can make it to 40 before I clear the entire intersection most of the time.
10mph is less than the indoor go-kart track barriers near me are rated for.
Security theater at its finest.
Honestly, anyone who paid mild attention in chemistry class can figure out some of the easier explosives.
I didn’t know shit could clump that high without supports…
cue 5 minutes of
Repeat at next joint.
I say this in nearly complete seriousness:
Always has been
Always assume that at least 10% of polls are bullshit, from people not understanding the question, the poll, the answers, or people just screwing around, or intentionally choosing funny/ridiculous answers.
Poll question: do you believe in a deity
Poll answers: 1 yes there is a god 2 there are many gods 3 I believe in zorg the destroyer who will bring about universal chaos 4 no
Some people who would answer literally anything else are going to choose 3 simply for the lulz.
Literally doing so right now.
Sorry I failed my solidarity test, Luigi.
Should hold the same penalties as a poor person’s fraud.
It’s insane to me how many people just grab their phone and think “I’m good to go on an all day woodland adventure!” with no water, no food, clothing for an afternoon at the mall, and not even a backup battery for their phone.
I’ve actually packed extra clothes for someonein my bag specifically because I knew they were going to regret shorts and half a t-shirt. Cue 2 hours later they’re complaining about being cold when we’re in the valleys…
My family usually get an “okay I’m gonna go now. I’ll see you later” and that’s about it.
But by then they can tell I’ve had enough of people today and want to leave so they’re never surprised.
And if anyone wants to think I left because they arrived, so be it. I am not the shepherd of my family’s emotions.
I can’t just leave without saying anything though. Not unless they pissed me off.