That’s why I hate that they started to call them artificial intelligence. There is nothing intelligent in them at all. They work on probability based on a shit ton of data, that’s all. That’s not intelligence, that’s basically brute force. But there is no going back at this point, I know.
Or who simply communicated with more comics in the comments, like SrGrafo.
Okay, thank you. Anyway: is here somebody who actually knows WHY this happened? What was the underlying cause for our ansestors to start using it? What were they trying to achieve or solve? (UNINTENTIONALLY, okay, we got it.)
I also need to think it through every time I use it, because in my native language there is only 1 word for both. (Hungarian)
Put a refactor ticket in the backlog. We’ll get to it eventually, right?
That was Denvercoder9…
Yeah, like Nokia-bad. Wait…