By your same logic, these super smart “leftists” would rather Donald Trump usher in fascism than the rest of us not move further left.
By your same logic, these super smart “leftists” would rather Donald Trump usher in fascism than the rest of us not move further left.
You could have easily provided some vague answer that would’ve been slightly helpful. But that would assume you’re here with good faith 😉
Name one way trump improved your life.
Thousands of people are currently dead because he did almost nothing to combat COVID, the economy wrecked partially for the same reason. Biden didn’t do a ton to improve or worsen economic conditions. And the public wasn’t aware of the few good things he actually did. Many people believed all the hilariously false shit about the damned laptop.
The reason trump is president right now is that a lot of billionaires worked to brainwash less educated people into voting squarely against their own interests.
Trump is currently letting the world’s richest man dismantle the government from within. If that one fact alone doesn’t alarm you I don’t know what to tell you.
Trump’s mishandling of COVID was nothing compared to the death and destruction he’s currently setting in motion. It will take this country 100 years to recover, if it ever does.
Good luck buying food once he deports millions of immigrants that currently make the food as cheap as it even is now. You won’t have to imagine produce prices tripling, you’ll see it if he actually does that shit.
I did say probably
Dang I misspelled it. Raison d’etre, from French, meaning “reason for being”. Probably couldn’t use it in Scrabble.
Likely. Not sure.
Trump enriched the rich at the expense of the working person, just like he did in his first term. There are a million other things I could point out but I doubt you’d listen to a single one of them
I worked with someone who defended Kanye for like a year after he went publicly apeshit. Probably up until at least 2019 when I last spoke to him on the topic. He just kept claiming that it was so unfair that Kanye was getting judged as an off-meds mentally ill person suffering. Which I would get, as long as he wasn’t hurting other people. But that’s been the motherfucker’s raison-etre for a while now.
If you’re paying any attention, you’d be seeing you’ll get nothing but precisely the opposite of what you claimed you voted for. Given Trump’s history, you have no leg to stand on believing that liar.
Actually useful?
He’s gonna sell like 50 of these. What the actual fuck is going on in his addled head?
That doesn’t even make sense. A face is a full on situation. Right…
Thank you Democrat spiters. You totally succeeded. The genocide was halted entirely. /s
The only thing I can see in these posts is the cowardice of those who originally posted them on a platform where you seriously can’t say fucking “shit”
TIL that person exists. Makes sense this is mentioned in a canadian community though.
Vscode. I am surprised to see a lot of people still use sublime text. I was a long hold out on that one but it’s just so much worse than vscode in every way.
But also this phone still works perfectly, it’s like the day I bought it after the new battery.
Interesting. I always have heard and had the experience that eventually updates make the phone worse.
Ah yes most companies are actively destroying democracy