Fucken Bolsonaro did the same shit and it’s looking like he’s actually gonna get prosecuted. Real shame the US government isn’t up to the high standards set by Brazil, but maybe we’ll get there someday!
Fucken Bolsonaro did the same shit and it’s looking like he’s actually gonna get prosecuted. Real shame the US government isn’t up to the high standards set by Brazil, but maybe we’ll get there someday!
None of your charts say anything for first time home buyers. Total home ownership percentage is meaningless when you’re also trying to assert what you are about younger generations. My wage isn’t made any more livable because my grandparents bought a house in the 60s.
When you focus so hard on limited statistics your conclusions are similarly limited. Consider this: in 2022 the percentage of college educated people in the US actually went down from previous years. That’s never happened before because college has never been as unattainable as it is now. Unemployment rates are the lowest they’ve been in decades, but places like restaurants are being forced to close because they can’t fill low paying positions. Either young people are bound and determined to die penniless and uneducated, or there’s some problems you’re conveniently ignoring.
And people can’t afford houses, college, healthcare, etc. because…? Like cool chart, but my generation will literally never be as financially stable as those who came before. I guess it’s fun to pretend we’re better off than we are though.
Imagine paying for college with your income rather than loans.
Stardew is such a good example given the community is similarly mod-centric
Yeah I shoot for solid 60s on my portable steam deck too. I get better battery with lower settings anyway, and the potential benefit from artificially capping fps is negligible to me.
Being able to play a little bit longer isn’t all that enticing when the experience is on par with a struggling switch lite.
The fact remains that the gamecube is less powerful, despite being a home console. Just like there’s people who don’t care between 30/60, there’s plenty of people who would be fine with less flashy effects if it got a solid 60.
Fuck, I started gaming with a video card that could only render 3d when it ran in a hybrid crossfire with onboard video. And you can bet your ass I was turning all my settings straight to potato so I could pump a beautiful 121 frames into my terrible CRT every second. Sometimes I still miss that setup lmao
There’s a song with the lyric “If you need us we’ll be backyard in our new tree fort” and it fucks with me that it sounds as okay as it does. Reckon it makes a little more sense when the place-word includes a relative direction, like in “upstairs” or “courtside”.
I have heard some gems in the wild though, like “Ima go run bathroom”.
Conservatives are so fucking boring. The ones I’m forced to interact with talk about politics at a massively inflated rate compared to anyone else. It’s always shit that makes them angry too, like the only joy you can get out of life is righteous indignation.
Privileged white fuckers are the last people who have any right to be righteously indignant over anything right now, and that’s the majority of conservatives in America.