More milk per milk.
Instructions unclear, snorts powdered milk…
One of my favourite scenes
Use condensed milk with your milk powder. More milk still.
You’re flirting with powers beyond your understanding.
I’ll show those fools! Laugh at me will they? Not for long! Bwahahahah.
One milk away from tres leches
Powdered milk + regular milk + sweetened condensed milk
Cave Johnson here
That made me laugh more than it should.
you’re just adjusting the water to milk solids ratio, diluting the already water-free milk powder. For maximum effect, snort the milk powder directly.
Fight Milk!
Now with Vitamin R!
Pour the freaking mulk, Josh!
The man wants a glass of molk!
Milk 2: Electric Boogaloo
I’m still wondering where to get fresh Hungarian miak
Almond tits are microscopic, takes forever just to fill a thimble, let alone a carton!
There’s this thing called “fortified breast milk” for infant babies, where you mix breast milk with fortifiers ( could be formulas, aka powdered milk) to increase the calories count or other nutrition.
(Disclaimer: DO NOT do this unless under strict instructions from your pediatrician)
I like mixing my whey in my milk²
Becoming the lifting good with all that power
Get prenganant with second skelenton