Maryland House Democrats introduced a controversial gun safety bill requiring gun owners to forfeit their ability to wear or carry without firearm liability insurance.

Introduced by Del. Terri Hill, D-Howard County, the legislation would prohibit the “wear or carry” of a gun anywhere in the state unless the individual has obtained a liability insurance policy of at least $300,000.

"A person may not wear or carry a firearm unless the person has obtained and it covered by liability insurance issued by an insurer authorized to do business in the State under the Insurance Article to cover claims for property damage, bodily injury, or death arising from an accident resulting from the person’s use or storage of a firearm or up to $300,000 for damages arising from the same incident, in addition to interest and costs,” the proposed Maryland legislation reads.

    8 months ago

    Translation: “I don’t know a damn thing about how to buy a gun in the US and I’m probably british.

    Oh no! Does the poor little soldier of the resistance need to fill out a form? Do they have to wait a few days? Maybe the poor little snowflakes have to arrange a private sale to dodge a background check?

    But sure, we can play this game. Name a state whose gun laws you fully support and we’ll go through them together.

    If you’re having difficulty parsing the statement it means that you don’t have the right to deprive another of their rights

    I’m sure that would have been a sick burn if it didn’t rely on misunderstanding non-literal language.

    Well find me a gun company that …isn’t a gun company?

    Are your donations to the Republican party still tax deductable after they’ve been filtered through a proxy?

    Oh shit they made school shootings legal if you have a permit?

    Nope, just the best in class tools you need to do one, no matter how many red flags you wave around, all thanks to the pro-gun community.

    But don’t worry, they make up for it by intervening in almost 3% of mass shooters. That’s almost as many as unarmed civilians!

    Of course over 80% of those mass shooters are legal gun owners, with most of the remaining 20% being children of “responsible gun owners”.

    Well, not if they are a prohibited purchaser.

    Unless their state doesn’t have universal background checks – a system the pro-gun community opposes. Then they’ve just got to organise a private sale and complete the transaction without saying “By the way I’m a rapist”.

    But it’s not like it’s a barrier anyway. Making guns trivial to purchase also makes it trivial to straw purchase guns too.

    Yet we’re still haven’t covered all the ways the pro-gun community arms murderers and rapists because guess where stolen weapons come from?

    That’s right, legal gun owners again! The ones with zero obligation to properly secure their firearms, who leave them sitting in gloveboxes and drawers in case they need to murder a minority real quick.

    And I’d rather their victims be able to have them too than just get raped and murdered at knifepoint instead.

    Oh how kind of you to decide what weapons people should be threatened with while they’re raped.

    But aren’t you forgetting something? Those victims can just carry knives too and everything is fair and just again right? Or does your shit tier logic suddenly not apply when we’re not talking about your toys?

    “You can run from knife,” ahh shaddup you better be fast then with that ableist take, and don’t try to pretend you weren’t about to type that shit either y’all are too predictable.

    You tried so hard to dress it up as “Actually I’m a hero to people with disabilities too” but you just made it obvious that deep down, you know knive crimes have a lower lethality and a higher chance of being interrupted.

    But it’s not you being raped and murdered, so who cares right? You’ve already made it clear you think you’re doing them a favor by selling their attackers guns.

    Due to this, and the wide gap between the high/low end, the veracity of this study has been debated.

    You could have just not said anything rather than admitting that gun owners can’t be trusted to accurately self-report DGUs.

    Well, that takes care of the DGU, what about the deaths?

    Oh honey, you’re not even comparing the right things. Did you really think it was going to be “DGUs is bigger than gun murders therefore I’m right”?

    You’re comparing alternative realities – and you’re not even comparing them well. For a start, where’s your number for how many offensive gun uses there are?

    For every limp dick waving a gun around claiming self defense, there could be 100 abusive partners telling their sweethearts “if you try to leave I’ll kill you”.

    But don’t worry, we can compare this reality by seeing how America – where hundreds of thousands of brave patriots use their cool guns to fend off rapists and murderers – to the rest of the world.

    And oh look, the crime rate is functionally identical, only you’re more likely to be killed during a property crime thanks to all the criminals the pro-gun crowd armed.

    Oh but those people are probably british right? They don’t count. We need to stick to AMERICAN numbers because nobody knows gunning down innocent people like AMERICA does (for some mysterious reason).

    But when gun sales go up, crime rates go down right? If guns prevent more crime than they enable, that should be clearly reflected. “Guns sold” number goes up, “number of crimes” goes down.

    Nope. No measurable difference at all with some mass shootings sprinkled on top. Just another pro-gun lie in a string of thousands.

    I’ll twist your twister with the 100,000 people it DID work out great for every year, that’s 51,170 more twists! Get twisted on, go twist yourself.

    You know people that aren’t fucked-in-the-head gun cultists don’t consider “I had to threaten or kill another person with a gun” to be “working out great” right?

    You genuinely probably don’t. I’ve seen the “get out of murder free” fantasies all over pro-gun forums. What’s yours? I’m guessing “saving a woman that’s out of your league from a Trump voter”.

    Your Mama comes at the expense of others, and it isn’t even that expensive.

    Go mom! 85, still getting hers and making bank from it too!

    Did you find her when you were looking for people willing to fuck you for money? Did you start at the great grandmothers or did everyone else turn you down?

    Just don’t do a mass shooting okay? Sexually frustrated gun owners murdering women has become such a cliche.

      8 months ago

      you know, I gotta say, this is the worst formatted comment that I’ve come across on this whole website, I think, and I say that as someone with a great history of writing meandering and poorly formatted comments. going line by line through someone else’s argument is extremely tedious and so is spacing out almost every single line of your argument. the thickest it ever gets is two lines at a time. christ.

            8 months ago

            Sorry I offended your delicate eyeballs. Next time I’ll make sure to prioritize how my comment looks across a range of devices and frontends, rather than the clarity of the argument itself.

            Should I also stop using capital letters? It seems to be what all the formatting police are doing but I’m worried it will make me look like a sock puppet account that I’m using to agree with myself.

              8 months ago

              personally, I prefer single-topic replies, even if that necessitates many individual replies to one comment. think about how much of your comment I just skipped for to the responses and length.