• SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    Israel isn’t going to stop until they free the hostages and capture or (more likely kill) Yahya Sinwar.

    Civilian casualties are a by product of war. This war won’t end until the objectives have been accomplished.

    Would you prefer Israel use the most accurate munitions possible when fighting in an urban combat scenario or less accurate weapons. Less accurate weapons means more civilian casualties.

    Of course it would all be over if Hamas surrendered, odd how no one is calling for a group that committed actual genocide (rather than the internet meme version of “genocide” Israel is accused of) to surrender and face justice. If that happened the war would be over and there would be no more civilian casualties. But internet memes is more important than reality to a lot of people I guess.

    • Maggoty@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Israel can stop the famine right now, just by letting aid in or civilians out. It’s not even about the 2,000 pound bombs anymore. That was abhorrent. This is systemic murder.

      • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
        8 months ago

        Look at a map. Egypt controls a border with Gaza. Egypt could allow refugees into Egypt, so why don’t they? Egypt is controlling the flow of aid into Gaza. Why isn’t Egypt allowing more aid in?

        But the goal isn’t to create hatred against Egypt is it? The goal isn’t to criticize the UN for incompetence either. The goal is to create hatred toward Israel, and all facts that don’t further this goal are ignored. Because it’s a propaganda campaign.

        • HACKthePRISONS@kolektiva.social
          8 months ago

          if it’s just a propaganda campaign, Israel can win by ending the blockade and shipping in supplies instead of shooting people.

    • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Israel isn’t going to stop

      Could have just finished your sentence there. They only care about the hostages for political optics and they know as well as anyone that you don’t stop terrorism just by killing the leaders. Their goal is to kill or displace as many Gazans as possible and then take over the area and the fossil gas on the coast. Everything else is just pretense.

      Civilian casualties are a by product of war.

      Israel are killing TWICE as many civilians as Hamas, though, by their own admission. They refuse to prove it though, so it’s probably much worse in reality. That’s not a by-product. That’s genocide.

      This war won’t end until the objectives have been accomplished.

      Unless the West stops them, you’re right about that, even as you’re completely wrong about what the actual objectives are.

      Of course it would all be over if Hamas surrendered,

      First of all it wouldn’t. Second of all, their radical ideology makes surrender impossible.

      the internet meme version of “genocide” Israel is accused of

      These are the actual criteria as per the genocide convention, for it to qualify as a genocide:

      any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:

      • Killing members of the group; ✅️
      • Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; ✅️
      • Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; ✅️
      • Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; ✅️
      • Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. ❓️

      So as you see, it’s not a meme. By the official and only pertinent definition of genocide, the Israeli government IS committing genocide.

      • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
        8 months ago

        They only care about the hostages for political optics and they know as well as anyone that you don’t stop terrorism just by killing the leaders.

        You could stop right there. You consider getting people out of a situation where they’re being raped and tortured to be about optics. That’s a real psychopath way of thinking about things.

        Only a psychopath would be so incapable of empathy that you could only consider this situation by considering from a mindset of only thinking about optics.

        Unless the West stops them, you’re right about that, even as you’re completely wrong about what the actual objectives are.

        And there’s the goal of this whole thing isn’t it? Hamas went into villages, brutally murdered men, women and children, to create a conflict. They took hostages to force a ground campaign which would cause a lot of civilian casualties. The goal? To turn the west against Israel.

        But it didn’t seem to work did it? You might want to crack open a history book, the Hamas strategy is a fascist strategy. A fascist strategy that involves killing Jews. People in the west have seen this before.

        Sure you got some young people to jump onboard. It’s sad how bad history education is now.

        But many people see Gaza and remember what German cities looked like after their country was run by psychopaths that killed Jews. Western countries aren’t going to intervene when Israel is doing the same things to destroy Hamas that we did to destroy the Nazis. It’s only young people that are ignorant of history that Hamas can influence.

        But young people tend not to vote and attention spans are very short. Civilian casualties are dropping in Gaza as Hamas is being diminished. How is it possible that civilian casualties are decreasing when there’s fewer Hamas strongmen to protect the Palestinian people from a genocidal army? Because Hamas lied to you about Israel committing genocide. Accuse the other side of the things you’re guilty of.

        If Taylor Swift tells her fans to vote for Biden it will be a bigger factor in the voting decisions of young people (who generally don’t vote) than all the propaganda that Hamas with the support of Iranian troll farms can put out. Older generations generally think the guys that are murdering Jews are the bad guys. Also those Iranian troll farms really don’t want Trump to win.

        All that Hamas has accomplished in terms of influencing the west is increasing the number of antisemitic attacks on synagogues and jewish businesses. Which doesn’t increase support for their cause in the west.

        • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          You could stop right there

          I wish I’d taken your advice and stopped reading. The rest is just a garbage pile of strawmen, ad hominems and other bad faith arguments. Not a word of it was anything but spin, distortion and pure fabrication.