• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I work night shifts. My manager one time called me around 2pm to ask me something menial and waking me up (as I was still sleeping for my next shift at 7pm).

    So naturally, I called him at 2AM when I was at work… because I had an “urgent” question about a work policy lol. He got the picture, and that shit never happened again

  • Lower frequencies (like the HF range) can propagate further due to reflection/refraction with the earth and the ionosphere. Increasing the frequency can lead to e-skip and troposhpeheric ducting. But even the HF range has shorter wavelengths than our brains, which operate in much lower frequencies (Hz vs MHz). So you would think that our brainwaves would pass through tin-foil much more easily

    But it’s the tin-foil’s electro-conduction that “foils” the electromagnetic waves’ (i.e radio waves’) ability to pass through it. But you would have to have no gaps in the tin-foil to completely block all waves from passing through. So like, an entire foil suit or a walking Faraday cage.

    TL;DR - it’s not about the length of the electromagnetic wave, it’s the electro-conduction (insulating) property of the tin-foil that matters

  • No one cares about you 🙄 for the love of life. Get off it already… you even forced an emoji outta me, just to really get my point across /s

    Sorry sorry, trying to be sarcastic-mean, not actually mean. Just wanted to rib poke for a second, but not at the expense of a person I don’t know. I truly like seeing your activity around here; couldn’t help myself though. Ya dick

    I’m not great at sarcasm lol. I only wish the best for you, ya random squid 🐙

  • I feel like you skipped a few steps in your conclusion, cause having retyped this comment several times now, it does seem logical (though logically evil and morally corrupt; which nobody’s surprised). And I’m not entirely convinced it’s just Netanyahu trying to create a “forever war”

    I was gonna say that it seems more like “blatant genocide” than a “forever war”… and how can a war be “forever” if one side is obliterated?

    But then I thought, “Maybe genocide is just a bonus for Isreal”, while also being a ‘unique’ way to stir-up the concept of “War on terrorism, in the US”. Their “War on drugs” has lost some traction (and also serves a different purpose), but maybe they can put a convoluted spin on the “War on Terrorism”.

    The US is allowing “allies” to commit genocide for the greater good of their own military complex/gain?.. because their current “forever wars” have been experiencing downturns? Maybe it is a “forever war” with genocide as a bonus for Isreal?

    I can’t dispute your statement well, because it doesn’t seem too “off key”. It just feels like you’ve made some logical leaps… or I’m just falling into conspiracy-driven-logic. Idk, but I appreciate giving me something to ponder more closely