hemp hearts
Tons of nutrients and healthy fats, makes other things like parfaits or cereal more satiating
coconut milk
Good source of various minerals and electrolytes and healthy fats. Somewhat satiating drink since it has about 50 calories a glass from fat content
nutritional yeast
Mega-dose levels of the B vitamins and good as a thickener and cheese substitute. Great with eggs
None, the term super food is marketing term with no basis in science
When i mentioned “legit superfoods”, I was sort of getting at the unsexy normal stuff that available, common (or uncommon due to lack of recognition), and generally understood to be nutritionally wholesome
oh in that case oats. they are highly comparable to Quinoa but you know abudnant and cheap.
it has about 50 calories a glass from fat content
My glass? Your glass? Andre the Giant’s glass?
I might mean cup (250mL)
Too late I already drank glass.
hopefully it wasn’t Mr. Giant-sized for the good of your glasshole
Buckthorn, it is full of vitamins
Ginger, it is a painkiller
Nasturtium + Horseradish, you can make a real antibiotic from these
How would one consume buckthorn? That stuff is super invasive around here, so there’s a ton of it around. Leaves? The berries?
Sea buckthorn (Hipphophae rhamnoides) gets made into supplements and oils.
Buckthorn (Rhamnus Cathartica) is toxic.
Search by latin names for correct info.
That makes a lot more sense, TIL. Thanks!
I sing this to my cat on a regular basis
Does it scare em?
No, she loves it. She also loves actual cucumbers, though I’ve never tried to scare her with one
Oh just think cucumbers are fucking disgusting.
You do you of course. I just wish sushi joints would do celery instead of cucumber
Honestly just eat vegetables and keep your ultraprocessed foods to a minimum.
Milk and eggs are pretty good, as they literally have all that a growing body needs. But since I assume you are not a baby posting on social media (never can tell in this “modern” world) you need more than just milk and eggs.
Eat fermented foods, kimchi, sauerkraut or kombucha etc…great for gut health
I do like some nutritional yeast though. It is really tasty.
Synsepalum dulcificum (miracle berry) makes sour food taste sweet. If that’s not a super food (a food with a super power), I don’t know what is.
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flax seeds. Lots of fiber, omega-3s, protein, and vitamin B. The best part is that ground flax seed tastes like nothing so you can add it to whatever.
I agree with ‘superfoods not being real’. The only thing that I can definitely say qualifies somewhere close to a ‘superfood’ is black pepper and long pepper.
Black pepper and long pepper have a compound called piperine. Piperine drastically improves nutrient absorption.
Curcumin/Turmeric is often taken as a supplement, however, it has a very very low bioavailability (like 1% gets absorbed or something – don’t quote me on that). So it is commonly paired with black pepper, or more distinctly, piperine. Piperine increases its bioavailability by 2,000%!! Which literally means that you absorb 2,000% more than if you were to take curcumin/turmeric by itself!
I am unsure how it affects other nutrients, but I am certain that it also improves absorption. There are products that sell piperine itself. Most notably Bioperin.
WARNING: Piperine also increases absorption of certain drugs as well. Do not take piperine with any drug unless you know what you’re doing!
Incredible tip about the pepper, gonna have to invest in some peppercorns [rolls up sleeve]
Get the long pepper. The flavour is miles ahead of regular pepper!
Unprocessed palm oil. Not the stuff you get in stores that looks like a regular vegetable oil. The red stuff that solidifies but has a low melting point.
Where get?
More looking for foods that double as multivitamins