Skin renews every vew days.
Mine has a dick in it pretty regularly. The point is still valid…
Some have even tested the depths of a twat or two
It has to vary from person to person but I’ve never seen a sexual guide that discusses how deep in inches the canal is
thats why i dont shake hands anymore.
Me too. When in a social situation where it unavoidable I do it but then always wonder how many dicks has this hand handled
Mine has also been up to the wrist in vagina, with moderate colon (limited to the digits). I let people know this before they shake my hand, in the spirit of transparency.
Proper uncensored version thanks to
Couldn’t find a wild uncensored version, so here’s an edited version. #FuckCensorship
Ohhhh i thought it said duck and I was confused
What a quack.
Wow way to suck Google images
Circle to search is surprisingly good
If you post censored shit I’m going to PM you shittingdicknipples and lemonparty.
/shakes tiny fist wistfully
I hold a duck once, didn’t know it was that widespread.
Brag much.
Thank god
I wonder what it says under that grey bar. No way to tell.
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
You’ll touch my dick and you’ll like it goddammit
Pftt I’m not afraid of a drink!
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey
Counterpoint: a greater number have touched a vagina (but that framing doesn’t obsess over a woman’s sexual purity, so, clearly less important)
Everyone has touched a vagina. You at least passed one on the way out.
Not people who were born via Caesarean.
The amount of technical correctness in this post is out of this world
That one pissed off Macbeth, too.
Counter counter point: a great number of dicks have touched a vagina
Present company excluded
I should hope so. If somebody shook my hand and, while maintaining eye contact, and confessed they’ve been free-willying every pee of their life, hands behand their head, I would have to seriously reconsider our relationship.
While I was shaking it.