I had a gf who didn’t believe that one could tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi, so we bought both brands so I could do the Pepsi Challenge. I took a sip of one of the cups and called her out for mixing them. She was shocked. I proved that they were distinguishable. Her jaw hit the floor. This was around 2000.
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blown out
palletpalateFTFY. A pallet is a small bed or an object used for carrying things, a palate is part of the mouth or one’s ability to taste things. Pretty pedantic, I know, but I have this compulsion to correct misused homophones, so… Sorry? You’re welcome? Either way, have a great day!
I prefer palette because tastes are kinda like colours.
That’s just the synesthesia talking.
… But you’re not wrong
Don’t apologize for being who you are, if only because the apology was more annoying than the patronizing correction.
It’s always worthwhile to be self-aware and to be conscious of the parts of your personality that others might be annoyed by or take offense to. I’m not going to change that part of my personality just to please others, but I don’t think it’s annoying to acknowledge that others might not appreciate that part of who I am.
But hey, you do you. If being your authentic self means not caring about how your words affect the feelings of others, then that’s just who you are, I guess.
I for one appreciated both aspects of your comment. It’s good to understand both yourself and others and to seek to find a balance between genuine self expression and consideration. Also it’s good info that many lack
Then why is Pallet Town spelled like that? It’s a reference to colors.
In all honesty, I think it’s likely a simple mistake.
The object that artists use to hold their paints is actually a third homophone, spelled palette.
It could be that the word choice was intentional and is referencing the character’s bed, but I find it more likely that it was simply lost in translation from the original Japanese
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Yeah autocorrect has gotten markedly more annoying about that.
the best is when you manually edit it 3 times but it keeps changing it
From a soda fountain I can’t tell the difference because they always get mixed wrong anyway. Out of a can yeah they’re different.
They probably use different mixtures in the US, but here in Germany I think everyone can taste the difference. Pepsi is way sweeter and imo tastes more artificially (compared to coke).
That’s pretty much the same as in the US too.
In some European countries, Pepsi actually reduced the sugar amount and replaced with artificial sweeteners.
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I did the Pepsi challenge when they were setup at a booth in Vancouver. Ended up picking Coke
It’s alright, we can’t all pass on the first try
It’s still one of the most effective ways to detect cognitive decline
I did it three times. Always picked coke.
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I would say they only become distinguishable if you actually like cola, and drink I enough to be able to distinguis. Like all things taste, if you aren’t exposed to it often, you can’t tell the difference.
I’d bet you GF just rarely drank either coke or Pepsi.
As someone who rarely drinks Coke and even less often Pepsi (quite uncommon in my country) I still can easily distinguish them. I possibly wouldn’t be able to tell if one is Pepsi or some other brand but I’m sure I can tell it’s not Coke.
Well, you must have a great palette haha.
If you randomly give me one of the two: no idea.
Back to back, sure I could tell, else, it’s cola.
“Dicks and vaginas are like coke and Pepsi: I strongly prefer one, but my dad thinks they taste the same.”
Yeah, I mean it’s the kind of thing most people don’t really think about till your really try them side by side at least once. For me, Coke seems to have a bit of a cinnamon or similar spice flavor going on while Pepsi lacks that spice hit and tastes a lot sweeter.
Pepsi tastes like artificially sweetened flat coke.
Pepsi max on the other hand testes like a mix of various household chemicals with sugar and a little vomit
i don’t have the slightest clue why people enjoy that “flavour”
with sugar
Pepsi Max is sugar-free.
i don’t think pointing out how it only has purely artificial sweeteners makes it better in any way
This is the best description I’ve ever seen and I’m going to remember it for future use. Damn fine description.
I can’t tell the difference between Pepsi and store-brand cola, but I can definitely tell the difference between Pepsi and Coke.
I also couldn’t tell the difference, but is very slight to me
So much better than OP.
It’s a different joke tho
That’s also a part of it, yeah.
This is a crime, right?
What do you even do if this happens to you?
Go outside and start pouring gasoline on the building
The crime is still asking for regular cocktail prices
You’re the worst.
I try (sadly I didn’t make the comic, but it’s one that has made me laugh for years).
Why do they not have eyes? WHY DO THEY NOT HAVE EYES
Here you go
I actually prefer it without eyes
Definitely more interesting without eyes, I prob fucked ‘em up a bit too
I fall asleep in the closet but I wake up in my bed. Before I open my eyes I know she will be there.
She is.
Standing at the end of the bed. Morning time. She is not a person. She is something else. I try not to cry. I start crying right away. Can’t stop. She is tall but her body is not a body. It is just a pile of things. It’s covered in a long shiny robe. Shiny from a million blue-gold flies crawling on her. Long gray hair covers most of her face. I look up at the ceiling and scream and scream and scream. I scream for mommy to come back. The ceiling turns pink and fuzzy I am screaming so hard.
Then she is standing over me looking down on me. Her face is awful pieces of animal. I remember her eyes. The same eyes as the white horse Brittany rides, the one that mom said I could pet but it bit my hand and I had to go to the hospital. The eyes are just hanging on the face not really looking at me. Flies crawl on them. I am shaking scared.
Please God please please make her go away.
She snorts and makes animal sounds. Her old barn smell makes me want to throw up. She reaches out and her fingers are made of crab legs all different sizes. No no no. I hate crabs more than anything. When we go to the beach, my dad always makes sure to pick a part of the beach with no crabs. He says he can tell when there are crabs because no no no she touches my face with her crab hands horrible horrible I close my eyes as tight as I can and scoot against the back of the bed.
The touching stops. I press my eyes shut tight.
Tweets and chirps. “Drink,” a happy little voice says.
I keep my eyes closed.
“Drink,” says the voice. It sounds fun and cartoony.
I open my eyes just a little bit. Oh a dozen bird heads have crawled out of a hole in her neck. They move in different ways. I found a dead baby bird once in our backyard. It had no skin and blue lumps for eyes. It is there with the other heads. “Drink!” it says in its funny parrot voice.
She holds up a big silver spoon in her crab hand. A greenish monkey hand holds up a glass bottle full of purple stuff and pours it out into the spoon. I can smell it. Grapey like the medicine mom gives me. Is it the same stuff? She holds the spoon up for me to drink.
Please God make this stop.
All the birds giggle.
Her claw pinky pokes my neck. It hurts. I open my mouth. Down goes the medicine.
I lie there with my eyes shut tight. I cry and stop crying and cry again. I know she’s there. The smell. The flies. The sound of animal breath. Why won’t she go away? Please go away go away go away. Please God make her go away.
Something’s slipped inside my eyes. I can see it even though they’re closed. Not a square. Not a triangle. A shape I don’t know the name of. Lots of shapes. Oh no my eyeballs fill up with little people like a Where’s Waldo book. There’s a million of them all doing different things moving around in an old city with castles and flags. They’re running through tunnels and climbing up towers. I can watch them all at once. Wow. There’s a baker and a knight and clown and a queen with lots of – they’re all dying! Cartoony blood pours everywhere and they’ve all got scared looks on their faces and the blood washes away and they’re all playing and smiling again.
The places and people change. I see stories. They happen all at once, a hundred stories, but I can watch them all at once. It’s different people crying and laughing and living and dying and doing all kinds of things. It’s like seeing ten movies all at once and it’s so much too much I open my eyes.
She is still there piled up on the edge of the bed. The Where’s Waldo people are still there, playing and laughing and bleeding and dying. The animal pieces of her face open up and – look! there’s another face inside. It’s a woman’s face or maybe a man’s face made of wet clay. It’s smooth and beautiful and I’m not scared at all looking at it and I feel like I’m floating. The clay changes and the face turns into other faces – an old man, a young man, a Chinese guy, a sad black guy, other guys, a cat. The shapes of the faces change but something in the eyes stays the same. Staring at me. Telling me something.
The face changes one more time. It is a woman’s face. Mother. Maybe very old maybe very young. Mother. The eyes say something clearly. Mother. I can feel my heart beating when it beats it says Mother. Mother. Mother. The eyes are sad so old and sad and kind so kind like they’re sorry for me like they wish they could help me. But the face is still and the lips are pressed together like she – Mother – is trying to hide that she is sad. Trying not to be sad. Trying to be strict. Because…
Because she is going to punish me. It is the same look mom gives me when I’ve been bad and she puts me in time out. The face is mom’s face but also a thousand other faces. They feel sorry for me.
Oh no. Oh no no no no no no no no. I scream and scream scream scream.
You’re not helping
Okay, I’d try to salt your wounds harder.
Sorry Dave, i can’t do that.
do you post on nosleep? is there an equivalent community on lemmy?
That’s not mine, it’s a classic from 9mother9horse9eyes9.
Haven’t seen one. One another thing I miss from the previous site.
They live in bizzaro world where men have spiderman eyes and superhero in costume are the only ones with iris and pupils?
I was honestly expecting just the jack and some cocaine
That’s such a stupid troll move. I love it.
I wonder what they taste like combined. I’ve never thought of it before.
tastes like cola, more or less
More, technically.
RC Cola
Pepsi is too sweet to mix with American whiskey.
At risk of being stuck-up: What, and Coca-Cola is not too sweet? Cola is sugar water with a bit of flavour.
It’s a slight difference. Pepsi has 40.9g of sugar for a 375mL serving size, and Coke is 39.8g for the same.
That said, Coke is actually a very complex drink. Which is readily apparent from the various DIY recipes that are floated online. Mixed alcoholic drinks aren’t nearly as complicated as Coke. That “with a bit of flavour” part is doing a lot of heavy lifting.
That’s my take away from this. If I ask for a jack and coke or rum and coke, the “and coke” is just as important as the rest. Pepsi isn’t what I want. I would never give the OK to swap out the mixer. I’d rather just drink the liquor straight.
I’d be fine with Pepsi for rotgut Scotch mixers like Johnnie Walker Red or Dewar’s White I think, it’s just American whiskey is already sweet as hell.
Can people who “enjoy” a Rum + Coke actually tell?
Significant improvement there.
You’re the scotch in my soda.
You’re the rum in my cola.
I’ll slurp down your love straight, no chaser.
I’ll call your sweet cocktail
The Pain Eraser.
what happened to that guys sleeves
Their bulging biceps have torn them to shreds.