Asking for a friend? It’s tough out here. No face shots.
No and not for the reason you’d expect:
To open an account, OnlyFans requires you to do social media and prove that your social media accounts are yours, and of course they require you to hand over your real identity with your real ID card or passport and a selfie.
This is beyond dystopian. You have to be suicidal from a privacy standpoint to do OnlyFans.
That’s actually fucking ridiculous. But I guess if you’re willing to put your asshole and face together on the Internet, you’re probably not to concerned about these extra steps.
You miss the point.
What if you want to have a Facebook with the name “Joe Smith” and an OnlyFans with the name “Queen Georgina”? Even if your OnlyFans shows your face - which isn’t a requirement by the way - it’s not your real name. And you may not want to put your face or your real name on your Facebook at all, and keep the two completely separate.
OnlyFans basically destroy the separation between your accounts and links both with your real identity, your real government-issued ID number or SSN. And they collaborate very closely with Facebook in case you didn’t know. I know that because I asked them.
As for asshole pictures, as far as I know, asshole recognition technology isn’t as developed as facial recognition technology yet.
“As for asshole pictures, as far as I know, asshole recognition technology isn’t as developed as facial recognition technology yet.”
Fecal recognition technology.
They’re developing a toilet that can recognize people based on unique asshole prints and track, analyze, and store data on your waste on the cloud. It’s a privacy nightmare I didn’t think I needed to worry about.
Nope, this isn’t real, I’m high as balls and back a decade ago when AdultSwim did the SmartPipe joke informercial, I’m just hallucinacting being in 2025.
Just really high right now, certainly not living in the pedophile toilet future timeline.
I immediately was like “smart pipe!” No fuckin’ way.
We must install live stream cameras in all our toilets, for the sake of national security
- someone Senior at DHS, probably
deleted by creator
It may save lives one day.
What point do you think that I am missing? I was making a half-joke saying that people on Onlyfans probably aren’t super into privacy measures.
wait really? put me back in the fuck no camp then
Facebook doesn’t allow you to not show your face
Im going to assume OnlyFans doesn’t do that because they want to. They’d likely be harassed by government if they didn’t.
Pornhub had to remove all unverified videos (which was most of their videos) and now anyone who uploads must follow similar rules that OnlyFans has. Pornhub posted an announcement saying they reported 118 instances of child abuse materials while Facebook reported 84,000,000 but that somehow they’re the ones being threatened to be shutdown unless they implement more rules.
Im going to assume OnlyFans doesn’t do that because they want to. They’d likely be harassed by government if they didn’t.
Only partially.
They don’t legally have to require you to do social media. All they’re legally required to do is to verify that you’re a consenting adult. In that respect, I get that they require a form of ID and a photo.
But the social media stuff is something they pretend to require to add an extra layer of legitimacy to your account, and make extra-sure you’re not a fraud. It’s of course complete bullshit. They only do this to collect data.
And don’t think for a second you can open an empty Facebook account and tell them “Here’s my social media account”: they want an old account with lots of real activity. And only certain types social media accounts are accepted. In fact, they’re very heavily biased towards you having a Facebook account, and it’s a lot more difficult to validate your OnlyFans account with anything other than a Facebook account.
They’re in cahoots with Facebook on the social media verification scam. I believe a good portion of their revenue stream is deanonymizing sex workers and selling their data.
What about Fansly?
You’re right!
I think it has to do with women being trafficked into cam service.
If I remember correctly the pressure came from credit card companies and not any government.
It’s to keep kids off the website and even with all that, there’s already been cases. I think they dont do enough tbh.
Fortunately some places have zero knowledge proofs where you can prove you’re of age without giving your identity
Doesn’t that just hand the privacy issue over to another company?
If by company you mean the government, yes. But they already have your info by necessity
They need all that to be able to give you your money.
It’s how you get paid.They don’t need to know under which name I access Facebook to pay me.
It’s not like you’re using your personal social accounts for this stuff.
You’re not going to want your friends and family anywhere near it.Only Fans want to know your public social accounts. The ones that are part of your “Brand”, that would drive your “Business”. That’s what matters.
If you’re worried about privacy on those accounts, you’re doing it all wrong.You have to. Facebook doesn’t allow you to have multiple accounts. If they suspect otherwise (even if they’re wrong), they’ll just delete your account
And you don’t need to provide them with it, either. A friend of mine does OF, and has had no such requirement to verify her social media. Unless this is a new requirement that existing members aren’t obligated to go through, or required for a specific feature of the OF platform, then I believe providing them that info is otherwise optional.
I’d sell a lot more than that for riches.
You’ve probably provided ID at every job you’ve ever had. This is to establish legal residency and that you are of working age. I know OF is not a 9 to 5 job but money is exchanged and I don’t see why this is so dystopian, especially given the extra sensitivity around age.
I have no issue with providing ID. I take issue with them requiring me to provide social media credentials. If you don’t do social media - and especially if you don’t do Facebook in particular - no OnlyFans for you.
Do you find this normal?
I don’t.Okay you actually spent more words on ID and real identity than socials so that did seem to be an objection.
Privacy is the concern you cited. If so, why would you be worried about Facebook and not be worried about real ID?
I’m just trying to understand this clearly - setting aside hyperbole words like dystopian and questions about what I find normal.
Well, I’m not a fan of any for-profit asking for my ID. But this is an outfit for sex workers and I’m a reasonable man, so I understand the legal need for them to ask me to provide strong proof of my identity, simply to comply with the law.
But why should they go any further than what the law requires them to do?
There are very valid reasons to have a private Facebook and keep it totally separate from your OnlyFans gig. You may have had your Facebook account for years or decades, you interact with your friends and family with it, you know your employer - or your next employer’s headhunter - will check it out. It needs to be squeaky clean and “normal”.
And on the side, you’re Mistress Jeanne queen of the dominatrix on OnlyFans: you absolutely DON’T want anybody to know you’re Mistress Jeanne for obvious reasons.
OnlyFans destroys this separation. They know who you are (by law) and they force you to tell them who you present yourself as on Facebook - in case you didn’t use quite the same name, which is very common with trans people for example - and they obviously know who you are and what you do on their platform.
Why do you think they require you to disclose your social media avatars? To aggregate the information and sell it of course. It’s completely obvious they’re building a database of fully deanonymized sex workers, and that has to be worth a pretty penny on the nauseating data brokers’ market.
If you don’t care about privacy, you use your real name everywhere or you don’t care that Big Data knows everything about you, including your not-so-savory activities, this is of no concern to you. But most people do stuff they want to keep secret, or hidden, or at least compartmentalized away from their ordinary life and OnlyFan’s requirements are all shades of terrible for that basic right to privacy.
Well, I did think of a reason and it’s not for selling your data. This was in the back of my mind but I didn’t know how to put it into words.
From your perspective, you’re a private individual who wants to display a little ass for coin, all on the up and up. And how dare they ask invasive questions.
But you do have to remember that ANY community driven site has abuse problems all the time, let alone one where sex workers are plying their trade. So in my mind, they are asking for FB so they can say “keep it real - we know who you are.”
On the one hand this is dumb and implies a threat. On other hand their site would immediately fly downhill and get shut down if everything there could be done with total anonymity.
Be that as it may, it’s still unacceptable.
To me anyway.
And it fully qualifies as dystopian in my opinion.Okay. You have a rather low bar for dystopia.
I agree I can’t think of any good reason to require Facebook account. But it seems pretty easy to just tell them you never had an account before and create a dummy one. That’s probably what a lot of people have to anyway since no one uses FB anymore.
If it turns you off, I get it. If you want to protect your privacy better, I get that too, though OF doesn’t seem like a vehicle for increasing one’s privacy under any circumstances. The whole “dystopian” thing was a bit much though.
But it seems pretty easy to just tell them you never had an account before and create a dummy one.
That doesn’t work. They don’t accept that. They tell you “Sorry but you need a solid social media presence, with an old account full of actual content.” No social media, no OnlyFans. They literally tell you that when you send them a support email asking why your application was rejected.
I find it hard to believe that all the GenZ ladies there have extensive Facebook accounts.
This guy raging that a media/porn publishing company verifies it’s models 🤣
I mean in the history of porn nobody, and I mean nobody has ever been abused.
As a dude no, just because I don’t think that I would make enough to justify it.
Quick! Everybody pay this man for dick pics! He needs a self esteme boost!
Please don’t, I trust that there are people who would appreciate them but just not enough to pay bills.
I’ll gladly step in for you. Pls send moneys
It’s actually extremely hard to earn money with OnlyFans. You’re not the first one to get the idea. There’s massive competition and if you’re not seriously willing to do a lot of marketing (which basically means going on social media and messaging thirsty dudes/people and being flirty with them), you’re only going to earn peanuts if anything at all.
Unless you’re really top 0.01% beautiful, but yeah as you see that’s unlikely.
It’s basically as much work as any other job, so yeah, might as well do any other job.
I feel like the top 5 - 10% could probably make money, not just the top .01
I meant you wouldn’t have to work as hard as normal jobs if you are top 0.01% beautiful, not that you can’t make money unless you are. If you aren’t top 0.01%, you’ll have to do lots of work to make money.
If I thought I could actually make even $5 on OnlyFans, I would have one right now. Ain’t nobody wants to see a 40 year old, out of shape, awkward geek dude jack off or show his butthole.
And if you tell me you actually would: gimme $5 and I will.
I’m not married anymore, so I don’t have anyone to compete against either. 🤷🏻♂️
I mean, there’s market. The biggest problem is marketing yourself to people who would pay. Most people don’t want to pay for porn unfortunately (but they sure want it, so they use leaks or piracy). Also, payment processors for adult content have very high fees.
Selling yourself is not an easy job. If you can, then sure, go for it. But for each person making thousands there are thousands of people making pennies.
No one wants to see my hemorrhoids.
This is the Internet; there are at least 7 people that want to see them.
Yeah, but
tare they desperate and loaded?Do you want to see my hemorrhoids?
Doctors do. Then they want to charge you lots of money for having seen them.
Why don’t they call them assteroids?
I would do OnlyFans just for fun if i was female and or attractive
Already have. If you want to limit the exposure to e.g. not damage any future career opportunities then just make it expensive. I did it for £12.99 a month, no free page, no PPV, no RP etc.
Converted from existing audience of older men I had on YT (3k subs back then), minimal marketing, mostly 1-2 GIFs a week spammed to various subs for it that didn’t have too much effect (ig i was being downvoted by bots/other women?) and had about 5-6 users total across a few months so I ended up having close to ~£100 total which was good groceries money (pre the mid-2022 price inflation) for the month or so I was out of a job, not enough to live on on its own but a good bonus, meant I could eat something other than bread and beans once in a while.
Fwiw it was fun and a great ego boost ngl, kinda almost makes me wanna do it again even though I def don’t have to.
That’s how my friend is about this. She wants feel attractive and make some extra change at the same time.
People underestimate how much work is involved with anything involving selling online content. This isn’t just Only fans.
But if it’s an hour of work to make $100, why wouldn’t I?
There are people giving plasma for money.
There are people jacking off animals for money.
There are people who spend hours scamming old people for money.
Time is a investment though. Unfortunately $100 a hour is not the best use of my time. But maybe it is for you and your situation.
Curious what you do that 100/hr isn’t a good use of time, because that sounds like something I’d like to learn about.
I’m a programmer and I make a pretty decent salary, enough to support my family and weather any emergencies.
The free time I have, I would do these in this order:
- Hang out with my wife and kids
- Chill out with recreational things like gaming
- Continue to study, read books and take online courses, contribute to open-source and build applications for startups
- Convert that free time to $100/hr
Notice that trying to make MORE money is at the bottom for me.
And if you ARE money driven, working hourly isn’t how most people became rich. They usually win the lottery by doing a hobby that ended up paying dividends. Like building a app and getting bought out, or collecting Pokemon cards or something.
Fair response. I had assumed for many people 100/hr would replace their primary job and thus be worth the trade. If were talking measure time after your primary job, I certainly understand valuing that time even higher than your hourly rate at said job.
You sound like someone who has never had to chose between food or rent
And his or her opinion is as valid as the rest. What’s your point
That they sound like someone who has never had to choose between food or rent… You can usually tell by the way there’s a certain kind of innocence in the way they speak about stuff like personal finance. I could be wrong though. Anyways, I think that’s relevant information to disclose when sharing financial insight anonymously online.
I have had to make that choice and now that I’m no longer in that situation, I agree with everything he wrote. Now that I’m able to cover my expenses and have some savings, I’m fairly comfortable, and the desire to make more money has faded away. There’s a lot of things I prioritize over more money.
Adding a +1 to this, same situation. For the longest time, I had to keep a running totall in my head, down to the cent, of the few things I put in the supermarket cart to make sure I had money to pay for them.
Life has been kind, and gradually things got better and when it sunk in that I was OK was when I realized that at some point I had stopped counting the cents.
Nowadays I treasure my time and my wellbeing more than money - I won’t do something that takes away from that, even if pays more.
Clearly there’s people who won’t stop at a billion dollars, but for me, the freedom of adding whatever I want to my cart without having to think if I can afford it is all I need to live a happy life.
I did when I was growing up all the way to when I graduated.
I spent the past 15 years to ensure I never had to do that again.
But fuck me right?
Sure. Only problem is nobody would pay to see me naked.
As a cornfed brick-shithouse built Midwestern hairy dude in my late-30s, I’d do it right now if there were a market for chubby hairy dudes but I know better and I’d rather not embarrass myself.
The fact that it’s a niche interest means that people will pay more for it… And trust me… People LOVEE late 30s chubby hairy dudes
There’s a kink for everything. It may not be a large base, but I’ll bet it’s there.
Boi ain’t nobody paying for mine
Yeah, I need something like an OnlyFoes where people pay to inflict my content on someone they didn’t like.
Ahh yes sexual harassment for hire. Great idea. Maybe we should have an MMA experience we can order for our foes too.
I pay you to stay off!
I have a very liberated sexuality, girls, boys, sometimes among consenting strangers. OF could be a logical extension if I needed money.
However , two things stand in the way: first, I have a job that gives me social recognition and financial stability, and it wouldn’t be compatible with the social stigma of sex work.
The other problem is all the work that goes into OF, like on YT channels ot Twitch: communicating on social networks, managing a community, editing, finding collaborations. I don’t know how to do it and I don’t think I’d like it.
If I knew I was going to make some money? Sure. But I hear it’s super difficult since so many people do the same. But if you think you have a gimmick, or are super attractive, you could make a but of change.
You really need to put in a lot of effort to market yourself. Being attractive helps, but it’s not all.
That’s a good point. It’s not like we’re lacking attractive people on the internet.
As someone who has never paid for porn, I’m always surprised when I know someone that does. I always thought this was a boomer thing. There’s so many free only fans samples on twitter.
I feel the same way. I was really surprised that OnlyFans took off the way it did, when it did. There’s so much out there, I didn’t think there would be a market.
I think it’s the Parasocial relationship thing. They chat with their fans, or pay people to chat with their fans pretending it’s them.
I don’t think I could make money on onlyfans.